Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Weird Stuff

Dr. Cervantes, please report to the operation room! 

It's a pretty nice day out today, yet I'm bummed out..why? I screwed up on one of my character drawings last night (D'oh!) Granted I was going to redesign the character, it's still is a cool pic none the less. It's not a biggy, but all it means is that Dr.Romero Cervantes is going to have perform a miracle on Photoshop. I mean this mistake was bad I don't know what I was thinking (>.<)# I'm not going upload the image of the linework intil I fix the problem in PS, so if the pressurizer is a success I'll upload both at the same time so you can see the frickin' magic miracle I had to work. I mean, I feel like I'm operating on one of my friends or something after a car wreck into a truck full of broken glass and rusty razor blades.

Weird Stuff

Well it almost seems kind lame to call this picture "Weird Stuff" considering most the stuff I draw is considered weird by most people. I feel it's like calling McDonalds, "Cheeseburgers"

Backstory: Well it's nothing much to this pic story other then the fact I was really board and didn't really know what to draw. This is one those occasions I just let my imagination run wild, with the first things that pop into my head. I guess if you're going to play psycho analyzer this would be a good picture to start with; the only thing I did know was I really wanted a skull in there somewhere...

Ok folks if you've been reading my blogs (and thank you for doing so) you know I started out with pencil and ink pen traditional, scanned and colored in PS (Photoshop not Playstaion)   First one of the things I have to mention is when I was inking this I totally screwed up on the candy canes. It wasn't anything to major like the picture I'm currently inking at the moment and screwed up on; but it too was a mistake with inking.

On the pic I posted I screwed up on the thick black parts and added black lines inside the candy canes where there shouldn't have been, like I said nothing major. I was losing my mind though, I have a bit of OCD when it comes to mistakes in art, I just want to crumble the whole thing up and start over. Much like the current picture I'm working I felt it was cool and worth saving, so I work a little magic in Photoshop and POOF! It looked cool...
So I decided to talk about this pic today; I guess to remind myself that I can fix problems in my art to the point there looks like there were none at all is what also makes me an artist. Art I feel is about creating things you feel with emotions and also making use of the things you have to produce creative solutions. I guess this could be applied to life in general...So I think today I should take my own philosophy and run with it.

On a side note..My favorite thing in this pic is that green squid haha, look at those ink bubbles and that band-aid on the head. haha he's so cute!  (^_^)'


  1. I think the yellow two-headed-cat-zipperface- snaketailhead-trex-bi-ped is pretty nifty.
    From godkingtimmy

  2. haha thanks Tim! yeah I like his zipper head too and his funky looking smile
