Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Update on meh Life

 What's going on in my life at the moment?

Well some stuff is new and some stuff isn't, but on going. As some of you know I've been working on my childrens book about a zombie and I 'm just about done with it. At first I thought I was sort of done, but the ending I felt just wasn't rememberalbe enough so I decided to do a rewrite of the ending. I've started to thumb-nail concept sketches for the characters and even started the first page. I'm already brainstorming my 2nd childrens book about anorexia.

I really like how most people that are my friends or people that just know my work are in complete support of me writing and completing this thing. Not to get all emo, but it honestly gives me a reason to wake up in the morning and not feel my life is worthless. I'm not doing this for money, fame or even children ( but mostly I'm doin gthis

Recently I got a lot of art thingys going on now and ticking deadlines to boot. It's enough to make me want to scream, I know I shouldn't be making a big deal about them, I guess it's just me being excited and anxious.

Lately I've been getting into different art forms, some are just rekindled interest like Art Nuevo and Art Deco. The newer one I find most fascinating is German Expressionism. I want to evolve my art talent so I'm not bored with it. Also, I like to look back at older pieces and see any progression.

I look at my older stuff and I realized I really did grow into something I should start being proud of, but I'm a modest type that fears limelight of any kind. I'm starting to think I just fear success or something.

I decided to separate web persona into two Facebook pages one is my person life, the other is more of a fictional character. However I feel more connected to the fictional profile than my real one. My real Facebook profile is just where I through up miscellaneous banter and brain-farts, also I'm not in it for the "Likes" but just because it's a way for me to vent what's on my mind and if people want to add comment feedback, Awesome! I know some people get all pissy like, "I don't care what you did that day" but you know what? if you hate it so much, block it or delete your profile. I mean you really got to take a moment and ask yourself, "If you hate people on Facebook, Facebook in general and/or get angry about what people post...Why are you on Facebook to begin with? Cut your proverbial cancer and get on with your life...Crap! I'm ranting, I should save this topic for another time.

For right now I'm thinking "big harvest"  and it's not a "dream", "goal" or "wish" It's just me living my life one day at a time taking my time. I feel all tasty things starts with a small seed and that seed grows into few somethings; you reap them and enjoy your small sweet victories and after that you get more small seeds again. If you don't throw them away and learn from your last harvest victory, eventually you'll have a farm that started out from one seed, one small idealistic seed that you only grew because you were hungry. After a while people notice this farm of yours and wants to sample your wares, word gets out how good it is and there you go. Ideas DON'T start big, even in nature there's no such thing. Everything started small.

I want to be that guy that says, "I never thought it would go anywhere, I just wanted to do something because it seemed like a fun thing to do"

and there's my Blog for the month...smell ya later :)

Promise next time I'll post some art

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard childhood anorexia books, but I think it sounds brilliant!!
